An Advocate In Family Law Cases

3 sets of people to tell you are divorcing 

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2024 | Divorce

The conversation you have with your spouse that settles on a divorce can be draining. You might not feel like talking to anyone else about it for some time. Yet you will need to let some other people know.

Here are some of those people who need to know:

1. Your children

These should be among the first people you tell. Don’t rush into the conversation, however, Try and work out a time to do it together with your spouse when you are both feeling calm and have worked out jointly what you want to say. Don’t leave it too long though, as you cannot afford to risk your children hearing it from someone else.

2. Your close family and friends

You don’t necessarily need to tell Aunt Nora who you’ve not seen for the last twenty-five years. Nor all the people you went to school with. Do however tell those who can offer you support or those who it will directly affect, such as anyone who had invited you both for Christmas.

3. Your employer and some colleagues

Your employer can hopefully give you the flexibility you may need while the divorce is underway – but they can only do so if they know. Telling them also allows them to understand if you are not performing at your best. You may also have a few close colleagues who can support you, perhaps taking on some of your workload or just offering moral support and tissues over coffee.

It can feel hard to tell people your marriage is over, but you will likely be pleasantly surprised at the support this can bring. Be sure to get legal support too for the technical aspects of your divorce.